Update 0.1.5

Today is a grand day for the project, for we have reached the first major goal on the roadmap. With pleasure, I present the fruit of my labors, a new 0.1.5 Build.
Savegames should be compatible with the 0.1.3 version, although I cannot guarantee it 100%.

- New Enemy (Drider Acolyte)
- Status System (Implementing restraining and technical statuses, like pregnancy)
- 2 New Art sets (Spawnies and Buschers)
- New Quests (Help out in gathering materials for Krebsstein's clients)
- Expanded Spider level (available at the bottom of Spawnie Area in Glitterwald Forest)
- New gatherable items and recipes (Like a conception potion)
- Bugfixes and QOL Features (eg. Teleporter to the boss, dealt with various softlocks, graphical bugs concerning quest tags and many many more)

Known Bugs:
- Repeatable quests not proceeding despite me having a specified amount of items
It happens to a quest step requirement of gathering an x amount of a resource, since the resource was in the inventory beforehand, the system can not count those (yet). Return to gather more or drop the items and pick them up (right mouse click) to get around the issue ^^


TheOutcastTribe_0.1.5_20240821.zip 169 MB
Aug 23, 2024

Get The Outcast Tribe


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Cant take an artifact for monolith, what to do?

all good, just dont die in first walkthrough